lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Unidad 4 Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

Con el contenido de esta unidad  se desea dominar e Identificar las principales características de una definición (marcadores de definición). Narrar eventos siguiendo los marcadores de discurso de un patrón de ordenamiento de tiempo.

Tarea 4
Business English

The key focus of this course is the study of English for Business purposes and is appropriate for motivated business students who wish to excel in their business language skills. There is also a component of General English, consolidating students' knowledge and practice of grammar, structure and vocabulary at Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels. This course is also suitable for those students who are considering preparing for the Cambridge Business English Certificate (the "BEC"). The Business English course is ideal preparation for students who are continuing on to the Master's and Certificate programmes at the London School of Business and Finance.
Marcadores de definicion: is, are

Abraham Maslow

Abraham Harold Maslow (April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970) was a professor of psychology at Brandeis University who founded humanistic psychology and created Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Maslow was the oldest of seven children. His parents were uneducated Jews from Kyiv, Ukraine. He was slow and tidy, and remembered his childhood as lonely and rather unhappy, because, as he said, "I was the little Jewish boy in the non-Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro enrolled in the all-white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and among books." He would pursue law, but he went to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin to study psychology. While there, he married his first cousin Bertha in December 1928, and found his chief mentor, professor Harry Harlow. At Wisconsin he pursued an original line of research, investigating primate dominance behaviour and sexuality. He went on to further research at Columbia University, continuing similar studies; there he found another mentor in Alfred Adler, one of Sigmund Freud's early colleagues.
From 1937 to 1951, Maslow was on the faculty of Brooklyn College. In New York he found two more mentors, anthropologist Ruth Benedict and Gestalt psychologist Max Wertheimer, whom he admired both professionally and personally. These two were so accomplished in both realms, and such "wonderful human beings" as well, that Maslow began taking notes about them and their behaviour. This would be the basis of his lifelong research and thinking about mental health and human potential. He wrote extensively on the subject, borrowing ideas from other psychologists but adding significantly to them, especially the concepts of a hierarchy of needs, metaneeds, metamotivation, self-actualizing persons, and peak experiences. Maslow became the leader of the humanistic school of psychology that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, which he referred to as the "third force" -- beyond Freudian theory and behaviourism. In 1967, the American Humanist Association named him Humanist of the Year.
Marcadores de tiempo: From, while, first, in, the.

Con el dominio de esta unidad se resalta la importancia de esta de los marcadores de tiempo y de definición los cuales nos ayudan a identificar mucho mas fácil en contenido... Gracias por su atención...  

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011


Gracias a este curso de ingles instrumental he aprendido a curucutear y dejo una huella junto a mis compañeros les dejo esta reflexión.
El Recuso Humano es el factor más importante para el desarrollo, logro de objetivos, y crecimiento de las organizaciones contemporáneas gracias profe....

Unidad 3 Aproximación Al Texto AUTOR


Abraham Maslow

Abraham Harold Maslow (April 1, 1908 – June 8, 1970) was a professor of psychology at Brandeis University who founded humanistic psychology and created Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Maslow was the oldest of seven children. His parents were uneducated Jews from Kyiv, Ukraine. He was slow and tidy, and remembered his childhood as lonely and rather unhappy, because, as he said, "I was the little Jewish boy in the non-Jewish neighborhood. It was a little like being the first Negro enrolled in the all-white school. I was isolated and unhappy. I grew up in libraries and among books." He would pursue law, but he went to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin to study psychology. While there, he married his first cousin Bertha in December 1928, and found his chief mentor, professor Harry Harlow. At Wisconsin he pursued an original line of research, investigating primate dominance behaviour and sexuality. He went on to further research at Columbia University, continuing similar studies; there he found another mentor in Alfred Adler, one of Sigmund Freud's early colleagues.
From 1937 to 1951, Maslow was on the faculty of Brooklyn College. In New York he found two more mentors, anthropologist Ruth Benedict and Gestalt psychologist Max Wertheimer, whom he admired both professionally and personally. These two were so accomplished in both realms, and such "wonderful human beings" as well, that Maslow began taking notes about them and their behaviour. This would be the basis of his lifelong research and thinking about mental health and human potential. He wrote extensively on the subject, borrowing ideas from other psychologists but adding significantly to them, especially the concepts of a hierarchy of needs, metaneeds, metamotivation, self-actualizing persons, and peak experiences. Maslow became the leader of the humanistic school of psychology that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, which he referred to as the "third force" -- beyond Freudian theory and behaviourism. In 1967, the American Humanist Association named him Humanist of the Year.
Tarea 3.1

1.      Cuando nacio abraham maslow?
R: 1 abril de 1908
2.      Donde nacio Abraham maslow?
R: En Brooklyn, New York
3.       Que estudio Abraham Maslow?
R: Psicologia.
4.       Donde estudio Abraham Maslow?
R: Se graduo en la univercidad de Wisconsin.

Texto extraido de,  esta unidad nos enceña a leer, traducir, entre otros y saber sobre que se esta hablando muchas gracias queridos lectores.....


Unidad 3 Aproximación al texto

 Aproximación al texto  

Traje formal

General English

These courses focus on developing all 4 core skills of the English language: speaking, listening, reading and writing and provides students with the skills and confidence to use English both in an academic environment and at the workplace.
English programmes can be taken with supplementary One-to-One tuition, should students wish to focus on any particular area of interest.
Tarea 3
  1. De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
R: De acuerdo al título y a la imagen, el texto trata de la enseñanza de profesionales, los cuales se les observa alegres, vestidos formalmente, en un lugar agradable durante una reunion.
  1. ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
R: Habla sobre el dominio del lenguaje ingles; escribirlo, hablarlo.
  1. ¿Que palabras se repiten?
R: English, Student
  1. ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
R: General-General, Particular-Particular, Confidence-Confidencial, Language-Lenguaje, Área-Área.
  1. ¿Cuáles son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
R: General English, English language, fotografía del texto.
  1. ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
R: El programa de ingles trata de tomar suplementos 1 a 1 la enseñanza, debería el estudiante enfocarse en un área particular de interés.
 Gracias por su atencion......

Unidad 2 Estructura de la Oración

Professional Development

Our Academic English and IELTS courses provide the perfect preparation to start planning for an undergraduate or a postgraduate course of study. In addition, being part of London School of Business & Finance, LSBF School of English offers you the unique advantage of interaction with international students on campus.
You may also be eligible to take part in LSBF's Professional Qualification courses, studying towards obtaining some of the world's most recognised qualifications:
  • Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
  • Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
  • Chartered Financial Analyst Institute (CFA)
If you showcase an excellent academic background and a strong managerial experience you may be eligible to pursue one of LSBF's highly relevant Masters programmes, learning alongside fellow professionals and developing the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in today's global economy.
Our academic counsellors are always available to assist you with applications to further education or to apply for a business qualification course.
 Tarea 2
ü  You may also be eligible to take part in LSBF's Professional Qualification courses.
Frase nomina: you
Pre-modificadores: no aplica
Nucleo: you
Frase verbal: may also be eligible to take part in LSBF's Professional Qualification courses
Nucleo: may, be
Tiempo verbal de la oracion: presente simple

ü  If you showcase an excellent academic background and a strong managerial experience you may be eligible to pursue one of LSBF's highly relevant Masters programmes.

Frase nomina: If you
Pre-modificadores: If
Frase verbal: showcase an excellent academic background and a strong managerial experience you may be eligible to pursue one of LSBF's highly relevant Masters programmes.
Nucleo: showcase.
Tiempo verbal de la oracion: presente simple.

Las metas que se nos trazamos en el camino seran dificil si no le ponemos todo nuestri esfuerzo...

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Unidad 1 Uso del Diccionario

Postgraduate Preparation Programme
The Postgraduate Preparation Programme is designed for students who already have a first degree and who wish to progress onto a Masters degree with London School of Business & Finance or at a British university in the UK. The programme combines a course in Academic English with an IELTS course, as well as providing fortnightly one-to-one support and exposure to actual postgraduate lectures in subjects such as project management and strategic operations.
Students can choose from 12, 24, 36 or 48-week options depending on their current level of English and the IELTS score needed by their university. Upon successful completion, students will attain the English Language entry requirement and be eligible to apply to British universities or progress directly onto our LSBF's post-graduate degree programmes.
Palabras nuevas: Eligible, Attain, Successful, Business.

Palabras de contenido: School, University
Sustantivos: Students, Academic.
Adverbio: Directly, Fortnightly
Adjetivos: Successful, Providing
Verbos: wish,be
Articulos: an, the
Preposiciones: to, at
Conjunciones: and, or
Cognados verdaderos: , University
Cognados falsos:
Resumen en español
Habla sobre el programa de preparación del post-grado, los estudiantes deben ir progresando para ser magister sobre la finanza y el estudio de la universidad de Londres, el programa esta combinado con la academia inglesa y también habla sobre estrategias de operaciones entre ambas; los post-grados de lectura y los programas de manager.
El estudiante debe capacitarse en 12 24 36 48 semanas opcionalmente dependiendo del equilibrio que lleven tanto el ingles como la IELTS de la universidad. También habla de completo dominio lenguaje ingles la cual es requerimiento de la universidad para cumplir con el progreso del post-grado programado. 
